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Zach is a 13 year old that loves the Braves. Zachary has Asperger's syndrome and developmental challenges. He has dealt with many surgical procedures throughout his life, but is doing well today. He follows every Braves game and would love to see them in person.
Mary Dillard is my daughter. She is a huge Braves fan. We watch the Braves on TV every night together. Mary was fortunate to be the guest of Superior Plumbing last year at Turner Field and would love the opportunity to come back. The picture attached was during our visit to Turner Field last year.
Gloria is 26 years old. She is autistic and developmentally delayed. She is a beautiful and happy young lady. She loves playing baseball with the Grayson Athletic Special Pops Anything Goes league at Bay Creek park in Grayson. She loves the braves, but this year, she's a Pirate, Argh. She loves to draw and play with her UNO cards. She attends SMILE and works at a food bank in Lilburn once a week. Her favorite thing to do is serve at the Altar at St. John Neumann Church and go to the beach. Gloria is also an actress and has a big part in a small film called "Special Needs". Gloria would love to go to the Braves Game and get treated like a queen!
Kyleigh is a young lady who never gives up. No matter how hard things are for her or how long it takes her to do things, she keeps on keeping on with a smile on her face. After playing baseball this year herself for the first time she is even more excited for the opportunity to see the Braves play this year. Kyleigh may do things a little differently, but she always manages to do unique and exciting things. She drives a wheelchair with her head and uses a communication device with eye gaze in order to tell what she's thinking. She is adventuresome and is always looking for new and exciting opportunities to try something new. She makes friends wherever she goes. She is a hard working student and gives her best effort daily. She deserves the chance to go see the Braves in style so vote for her!
Colin is a 19 year old funny, loving son and brother. He was born with down syndrome, and at age two was diagnosed with the hair loss condition alopecia. At age 8 he was diagnosed with diabetes while on a family vacation. He currently is a student at North Atlanta High School and is a huge Superior Plumbing and Braves fan. He was lucky enough to win tickets last year so let's get him to another Braves game this year!
Daniel is an 11-year-old boy who loves music and people. He loves to sing, dance, swim and play with his cars. He also likes to watch his sister play softball and he competes in Georgia's Special Olympics as a swimmer. He is very special and has taught so much about love and grace; our family would not be complete without him.
Michael is a junior at Lassiter High School. He takes academic courses as well as weight training and vocational skills. Michael enjoys pep rallies, attending football games and watching the Braves with his dad.
Sierra is a spunky, cheerful, compassionate, take charge little girl with a diagnosis of Prader-Willi Syndrome. She loves baseball whether in person or on TV. She would love any opportunity to go to a game in person and do some tomahawk chop!
Ryan is 18 years old, and graduated from Ft. Payne High School this year. Ryan participated in his high school's senior play, and plans on taking acting classes this fall at a junior college. He is currently helping at a senior center several days a week. He would love the opportunity to see a Braves game.
Michael is a sweet caring young man who has never met a stranger. He is diagnosed with Autism, Marfan's, and CAPD, along with a few other things, but he never let's this stop him. He serves as a global messenger for Special Olympics GA and spreads the word about how differently ABLED people can do many things. He loves sports and competition. He attends high school and spends most of his time in a self contained class but gets to express his creativity in drama and video broadcasting. He loves to cheer on his hometown BRAVES so vote for him!
Alyssa is autistic. She is home schooled due to melt downs around people she doesn't understand. She is very smart, loving, and the most kind hearted person I know. She has had multiple surgeries and has lost many opportunities to enjoy things such as baseball games due to her condition and medical history. She had a new service dog that has enabled her tremendously.
Charles is 11 years old and is a huge Braves fan. He was born in Atlanta and was diagnosed with a very rare disease called Cockayne Syndrome. Charles is small in size but has a HUGE heart! Superior Plumbing created the best night for Charles at their club last year and I hope you will vote for Charles again so he can return to the ballpark this year!
Cody suffered severe jaundice at 5 days old resulting in Kernicterus and Cerebral Palsy. He is in a wheelchair and always has a beautiful smile on his face! He plays baseball for the Miracle League. He LOVES the braves. He will be 12 on the 24th of April--same birthday as Chipper Jones!! Please vote for Cody!!
i was born with disability called charge syndrome i have learning disability low vision not a lot people like the way i look cause of my disability and its hard to make friends to during my school days thru school i sometimes was made fun of cause wear glasses they called me names like four eyes
Jordan was diagnosed with Autism at age 3 ..Today he is 15 and looovves baseball...
Lily is a sweet girl who is a friend to everyone! She sees no boundaries, only friends! Lily has been through 2 knee surgeries in the last year, with 3 more to go. She is an aspiring actress who wants to show that the world that she has the same desires as everyone else and wants people to see the "real" Lily. Lily is a sweet, caring girl who also gives back to the community by working with "I Serve" which feeds children and families through out the year! Thank you for taking time to read about Lily!
Samantha is a sophomore at Monroe Area High School. Sami is a gifted student who excels in academics, taking AP and advanced courses and is a member of the National Honor's Society. Sami loves baseball, especially listening to the games with her Papa! She has played Miracle League for 12 years and is commonly referred to as "The Slugger". She hopes to be a future statistician for the Atlanta Braves.
McKenzie is 15, turning 16 the end of May. She was born prematurely at 29 weeks, weighing only 2lbs, 9ozs. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth. McKenzie uses a wheel chair at school and a walker to get around. McKenzie enjoys school immensely, especially science, literature and music. Through her hard work, overcoming learning and physical disabilities, McKenzie became an honor roll student at Northview HS. She is finishing up her freshman year. McKenzie is one of the tem managers for the women's varsity soccer team. McKenzie also plays baseball in the North Metro Miracle League and loves the Braves. Her mother and I are proud to nominate her. Thank you for what you are doing for these children!!
Ryan is a happy healthy 12 year old boy, although he had a rough start to life. He was born 3 months early at only 2 1/2 lbs. He is now a vibrant, fun loving and very creative child. He never complains and makes everyone around him smile and laugh. Ryan loves to play video games and sports through the Horizon League in Acworth GA. He attends Brookwood Christian Language School and is doing fantastic.
Mitchell is a delightful, fun and loving 6 year old boy who has CP and epilepsy and his family has never been to a Braves game together. Due to his illnesses he cannot be in the heat for too long. This would be perfect for them. He attends Little River Elementary and is in Kindergarten. He loves listening to music and playing on his ipad. This would be a wonderful experience for him.
Bailey is a bright young boy who will be entering 1st grade very soon! He has sensory processing disorder and is sensitive to sounds. He loves trains and going baseball games!
When Zac was born he immediately had breathing problems. He had a good surgery at 4 weeks old to open his airways, but he continued to have growth issues and developmental issues. So at 1 year old he had a chromosome analysis and was found to have Chromosome Ring 18. He has had multiple surgeries and hospital stays. He is currently a fairly healthy happy 16 year old. He is the joy of our life!
Nathaniel is an 8 year old boy who loves music and the Atlanta Braves. He is currently a 2nd grader at Pitner Elementary.
Michelle is a beautiful 6 year old. Born with Down Syndrome and a congenital heart defect, she has worked hard to overcome every obstacle. She is very independent and determined to do everything herself. Her favorite class at school is PE where she loves to dance!
Gregory was born with several health issues including bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. At the age of four, he has grown into a very active and social young man, always full of love for others. He attends Marty’s Center in Chattanooga for speech and language preschool daily. He uses a total communication approach including sign language and spoken language to communicate. Gregory is a blessing and inspiration to those around him.
Abby is a beautiful young lady with autism. She loves the Atlanta Braves and loves going to the games!
Jonas was born with Cerebral Palsy. He has oversome many obstacles. Jonas is a loving young man in high school. He loves the baseball and the Braves. He enjoys being with his friends and bowling.
Aiden is a fun-loving 8 year old boy diagnosed with chromosome 1p36 deletion syndrome. Aiden loves to dance and play with cars. He is the class clown, and he loves to give hugs to his friends and teachers!
My favorite pastime is to watch the Atlanta Braves play baseball. When they are on, I do not miss them for anything. I have to watch every game! I have cerebral palsy and cannot move except when someone pushes my wheelchair, but I love having fun and love the Braves. People tell me that I have a good sense of humor. I thank Superior Plumbing for all of their efforts to help families with special needs. I do not have a family but I live with a caregiver and she is special!
Cameron is a two year old with moderate spastic diplegia cerebral palsy (CP), along with many other medical conditions. Basically the CP affects his motor skills and lower half of his body but he is one determined little man. Watch out because he will fly right pass you with his walker. LOL
Kelsey is a 15-year-old with a moderate intellectual delay. She loves everyone she meets, and enjoys trying new things. She also loves the outdoors, and participates in several different sports. She attends swim club once a week, stays after school for intramural sports, and participates seasonally in both baseball and tennis. She loves going to see the Braves play.
Alex is an autistic child. He is a sweet boy and I want to nominated him because he deseved the prize because he likes the Atlanta Braves and he is a great mom's helper as you see in the picture.
Romann has Muscular Dystrophy and has a hard time keeping up with his classmates physically. He is extremely funny and happy always to please his one on one parapro Coach R. This would be so exciting for Romann to experience since he loves watching sports and baseball. It would be a real treat for him.
Dakota is a soon to be 18 year old young man with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Dakota uses a power wheelchair for mobility. Dakota was born full term and suffered a stroke during delivery. He had open heart surgery at 2 weeks old. He continues to have seizures everyday. Dakota loves the Braves. He is one of the their biggest fans. He monitors all baseball teams stats and watches all the Braves games. He has watched 100's of baseball games while cheering on his 16 year old brother. Dakota has many friends and has not met a stranger. His favorite are pretty girls. Please vote for Dakota Sykora He would love to attend a braves game in person.
Nick is enthusiastic about sports, especially the cheerleaders! His parents ensure that he and his brother (who also has special needs) are provided with many opportunities to participate in their community. He loves participating in the "wave" and the "chop".
Elizabeth is 17 and has cerebral palsy. She loves to write and she especially loves baseball, both watching and playing in the Acworth Special Needs League. She is homeschooled along with her sister and 2 brothers, and is a source of inspiration!
Mason is 5 years old and enrolled in a Head Start Pre-K class in Douglasville. He was diagnosed with Autism when he was 2 1/2 years old. He is a very smart, energetic, athletic and funny little guy. He was selected last year to attend a game and sit in The Superior Plumbing Club Suite and Mason had a ball. He really enjoyed it. He likes sports and would be thrilled to have the opportunity to participate again this year.
Crosby is a 6 year old boy who loves baseball and is a huge Atlanta Braves fan. You can usually find him dressed up in his catcher gear either playing baseball or watching the Braves on TV. Crosby was diagnosed with a very rare genetic disorder called a Urea Cycle Disorder (CPS1) at the age of 4. Even with all the doctors appointments, therapies, and multiple medicines he takes daily he doesn't let anything slow him down. He always has the biggest smile on his face and has a great attitude. He attends The Howard School and had a great year!
David is a special needs 9 year old student who is currently being home-schooled. To help him with social skills and team working skills, she has enrolled David into several special needs sports groups at which David loves and excels. He is an avid baseball player that player for the Milford Challenger League as well as the Horizon league. I'm confident David would love to see the Braves play and see our awesome Turner Field.
Emily Rocks! She is a 5 year old girl who has Down Syndrome. She is a cancer survivor (Leukemia), she is entering Kindergarten this year, and she loves CAKE!
Zyon Cooks can do just about anything! That's because he always puts forth his best effort and genuinely tries to give it his all! He has a great karate dance. Zyon also has a heart of gold that is apparent in his smile, knuckle bump and the number of friends he has all over the school. He joins the 4th graders for P.E. and can handle a basketball with the best! This is truly a loving kid that would so enjoy this recognition as he moves onto middle school (and the Braves outing with his parents)!
Alexa was born Special! She has a seizure disorder and is intellectually impaired. She has the biggest heart of anyone we know. She especially enjoys sports. She is currently playing softball for Gwinnett Special Forces and once that is completed is planning on playing basketball then volleyball.
Jon is a going to be in 5th grade next year. He is an amazing young man who has worked very hard and is succeeding in everything he tries! Go Jon and the Braves!
Joshua loves to play baseball but loves to watch the Atlanta Braves, He is profoundly deaf and has developmental delays. he is a huge fan. Thank you for the opportunity to be nominated!
Tim has Cerebral Palsy and is in a wheelchair. He has never let this define him though. He is always smiling and encourages everyone he meets. He is the biggest Braves fan. He was also the inspiration behind the Matthew West song "Wonderfully Made"
Alex is 9. He is funny. He is kind. He is special. He is Autistic. Alex would not be who he is if he didn’t have this superpower. Alex also loves the Braves and even plays on the Braves team at his ballpark for Special Needs. He would really like your vote so he can go and see a Braves game with his Mom. Last year his Dad got to go to a game. Please vote for Alex and his Mom. Thank you!
Dawson had Bacterial Meningitis as a baby, and was one of the lucky ones considering he survived this terrifying illness. As a result of the meningitis, Dawson has a seizure disorder, as well as some nerve damage, and an intellectual disability. However; despite these obstacles, Dawson continues to be a shining star in his classroom and around the school. He always has a positive attitude and a smile on his face no matter what. He does everything his teacher asks of him without arguing or complaining. Teachers and students all over the building know who Dawson is, not because of his disability, but because of his amazing attitude and personality. I am nominating Dawson because I have never met someone with such a positive energy and spirit.
Steven is in the 10th grade at Sprayberry HS, has Down Syndrome, manager for the Sprayberry baseball team, active in special olympics, inspiration to his classmates and loves life. Steven is a role model to his peers by showing initiative to help others and his school. Go Braves
Carter has been diagnosed with Asperghers. He has problems with social interaction due to this problem. Of course, school is a struggle. He is a precious little boy who loves baseball.
Cooper is a 15-year old with Down syndrome, but Downs does not define who he is. He is funny, cautious, loving, and patient. He participates in his local Heroes Sports league where he is active in baseball, basketball, and bocce. However, his favorite seems to be basketball. He has a younger brother and sister. Vote for Super Cooper!
Easton is a 19 year old high school student diagnosed with Autism and an intellectual disability. Easton is very popular and well liked by his peers and teachers at his school. He loves sports and is always talking about playing ball.
He is bright, articulate, funny, and very smart! His math and science is on point! Last but not least, he LOVES baseball!
Jake was born 2-1/2 months early and weighed only 2lbs,9oz at birth. He spent the first 6 weeks of his life in the NICU at Egleston. He was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy. He attends public school and is actually in a gifted 4th grade class. His favorite sport is baseball and of course,favorite team is the Braves.
Austin is a middle school student at Lovinggood Middle. His smile, loving heart, and great attitude makes our day EVERY day of the week. He is a hard worker and loves all of his peers. He is never cross with anyone and is a great friend. He BRAVES many obstacles every day, but is always positive and sweet. He would love the opportunities from this win. Austin is a precious soul and an awesome student.
When Mackenzie was born, she was born completely blind. Doctors said she would never see, but GOD had other plans. Mackenzie slowly began to gain sight in her right eye, which is all she has now at age 19. Even though so many limitations were set on her throughout her life, she has proved everyone wrong. Mackenzie just finished her Freshman year of college with a 3.8 GPA. Even though Mackenzie has to do some things differently, she works very hard for the success she has seen. She has been published in her college's literary magazine, she was nominated for a leadership award, and she has made the Dean's list. She is so incredible and passionate, her smile is infectious and she has taught so many people what it means to believe in yourself.
Aidan is a student at Central Elementary in Carrollton. In May of 2012 he was officially diagnosed with Autism. He loves the Braves, Minecraft, digging, reading Harry Potter, and playing with his two younger brothers! Aidan is 10 years old. We were fortunate enough to be able to attend Autism Speaks Day at Turner Field last year. We had so much fun! I'm nominating Aidan not only for his love of baseball, but also because he is such a joy to be around. He has the biggest heart of anyone I've ever known. He goes out of his way to be kind to others every day. Even if that same kindness isn't always returned. He would be thrilled to win this! Thank you for reading his story.
Christopher was born with Down Syndrome but this has never held him back. A published photographer at age 5 and a friend to everyone he meets, I knew the day he was born that he was destined for great things.
Jadon just turned 6 years old and attends Tritt Elementary School in the Special Needs Preschool. Jadon was adopted from Russia and suffers from Pre-Natel Alcohol Syndrome, which has stuntedJadon just started playing baseball in The Challenger Division of Little League Baseball in Marietta. He loves playing and the uniform he got (The Braves). Seeing an actual Braves game would make him so happy and he would get to see where his uniform came from. his development (physically and mentally).
Our amazing Gavin is a 10 year old boy who was born with Down Syndrome. Recently he was also diagnosed with ASD (autistic spectrum disorder)... Gavinator or The Great Gavini ,as he's referred to, ( people who have spent time with him know why these names fit him so well!! ) is a sweet, loving, brave, funny, clever, compassionate kid who loves nothing more then to make everyone around him smile. He's taught us so much in his 10 years here and continues to teach us what life is really about.. Gavin enjoys being with friends and family and would give you his favorite toy just to make you happy. He played tball on our local little league team & spends his free time with groups such as FOCUS & Corrigan Care. Recently Gavin went to his first baseball game in FL. Since then he's been so excited about baseball & other sports. We would love to be able to do something like this with Gavin and his sisters. He is an amazing little boy that truly inspires us each and every day to always do your very best and even on the cloudiest of days, to smile and love...
Jackson is a 20 year old diagnosed with Autism. He was diagnosed with Autism at a young age, but that hasn't stopped him from doing what he loves, sports. He played on the Walton High School lacrosse team all four years of high school and won the state championship in 2011! He also was the manager of the football team in 2011, and the team made it all the way to the state championship thanks to Jackson's help. Jackson is a huge braves fan and would love to attend this game.
Nathan is a jolly young man he is a senior at CreekView High School. Nathan has downs syndrome but he lives life to the fullest. He is a straight A student in the special education program.Nathan dreams about college, he wants to be like his older brothers. Nathan loves to show off his silly dance moves and make people laugh. He's always ready to have fun!
He has wolf hirshorn syndrome. He is 5 yrs old and love to laugh and have fun! He has chronic lung disease that effects his everyday life function.
Madison was born 10 weeks early and is visually impaired and has CP. She attend a game last year sponsored by SUPERIOR PLUMING and had a blast meeting Braves Coaches and staff. She loves the Braves and has attended a Spring Training game already this year. Go Braves is her cheer.
Ashlynn is a fun-loving, beautiful, almost 10 year old little girl with Down's Syndrome. She doesn't let the Down's get in the way of her true persona: a Princess! She loves the Braves, Special Olympics, swim team, dance class, and cheerleading. Anyone who meets or knows Ashlynn falls in love with her amazing charismatic personality. We are so blessed to have her in our lives!
Jonathan has Cerebral Palsy. He is always a very happy young boy who loves his music and loves the transformers as well as the Braves! He always has a way to make you smile when you are just in a bad mood or your day just isn't going right. He has captured so many hearts from his school teachers, principals, and as well as his family. His dad just has the biggest heart of love for Jonathan! We all love this little man.
Skye is an amazing 16 year old young lady who has autism. She puts her best foot forth in all that she does. Skye works to be involved in both her school, by running track, and her community where she sings in her local church choir. While things are not easy for Skye she always does her best with a positive attitude, and therefore i feel she is more than deserving of this opportunity.
Casey has over come a great deal of adversity. She didn't speak until she was nearly in first grade and using sign language to communicate. Socially very shy. Casey is Autistic. Today she is working hard to prepare herself for middle school with hopes of making the cheer squad. This year she will finish her elementary school year having finished in the top 85%. Her hard work and dedication from being aware of her obstacles makes her deserving.
Carson is a twelve year old student at Furtah Preparatory School. He was born with a rare joint disordercalled arthrogryposis. He enjoys playing baseball, as well as watching all sports,especially his favorite team, the Atlanta Braves!
Carson is a young man with Autism who is a Junior attending Allatoona High School. (GO BUCS) He is the biggest Braves fan I know, and we constantly talk about how they are doing, and also how my team (the Detroit Tigers) are doing. Carson is the baseball team manager for the Varsity team as well, and loves to keep me posted with all the scores and stats that I can absorb and or listen to. I think if he were able to spend some quality time with a parent or family member, sporting his Braves flat-bill cap at a home game that might just be the highlight of his summer.
Asia is a senior at a high school in Cobb County with a heart of gold! Asia is about to graduate from her high school and will be attending a Cobb County Transition Academy next year to learn valuable job skills and independent living skills. Asia moved to Cobb 3 years ago and has made a bigger impact on her classmates and teachers' lives than some students do in a lifetime. Measuring in at just 4'2", Asia has a larger heart than most full grown adults. She is known as the "mother of our class" for her constant kindness and caring personality. She would do anything for anybody, no matter what race, age, or size. We could all learn an important life lesson from Asia about caring for others and she deserves this opportunity to see the Braves play in person.
Sammy Schwenker is an 11 year old boy. Sammy has an identical twin brother named Benji. Both brothers have classic autism. Benji is in the blue shirt. Sammy is in the red shirt. Sammy and Benji play Challenger Baseball at Carl Harrison Park in NE Cobb Co. They are on the Braves! They attend Blackwell Elementary School. I hope one of them can win the Braves tickets! Sammy has limited verbal skills, and Benji has less than Sammy. Every experience that we take them to is an opportunity for speech therapy, occupational therapy, & sensory integration therapy! So, we take them EVERYWHERE! Please vote for Sammy! (and Benji)
Michael is a truly special student with developmental disabilities. He is 22 years old and has a wonderful personality. He is friendly, outgoing, and always in a good mood. Any time a positive vibe is needed, Michael is there to provide it. He is graduating from the Cobb County School District where for the last 2 years he has participated in the Pope High School Transition Academy. While at the academy he participated in volunteer work at Publix, Old Navy, Longhorn, TJ Maxx, and the Gap. He has learned independence and work skills and has a bright future ahead of him.
Will is a great 12 year old (soon to be 13) kid, that has Asperger syndrome and Tourette Syndrome. He loves to meet new people and is a big Braves fan! He has some difficulties making new friends due to his tic disorder and challenges with social skills. He is doing great despite his challenges.
Karson was identified at birth with a hearing loss. Due to the hard work his mom has done during the past 2 1/2 years following all of the suggestions i have given her Karson is now talking up a storm. He loves to be outdoors and he loves animals. He knows how to be gentle with small animals and got a new puppy a couple of weeks ago that follows him everywhere.
Tyler loves to cheer for the Braves and watch baseball. He especially likes to talk about baseball with his brother. He would love to be able to go see the Braves in person and cheer them on with his brother!
Lily loves being active in her community and especially loves going to Braves games!
Nathaniel is a fun loving child who was born at 25 weeks. He was diagnosed with CP and developmental delay. He loves to talk and has never met a stranger! He has his mother's love of sports, they love to cheer on the Braves...I am sure the whole neighborhood hears them when they yell "CHARGE"!! :)
Brody is a 5 year old little boy that was diagnosed at the age of 2 months with a rare developmental disorder called bilateral opercular dysplasia. The doctors told mom to never expect him to walk or to talk. Brody has undergone and continues to undergo many therapies to catch him up to his peers. Brody is now able to not only walk...but he is able to talk! He will be going on to kindergarten this next school year! GO BRODY!
Sarah is a 6th grader at Arnall Middle. She loves music, karate, and baseball and she would love nothing more than to get to go to a Braves game!
Benji Schwenker is an 11 year old boy. Benji has an identical twin brother named Sammy. Both brothers have classic autism. Benji is in the blue shirt. Sammy is in the red shirt. Sammy and Benji play Challenger Baseball at Carl Harrison Park in NE Cobb Co. They are on the Braves! They attend Blackwell Elementary School. I hope one of them can win the Braves tickets! Sammy has limited verbal skills, and Benji has less than Sammy. Every experience that we take them to is an opportunity for speech therapy, occupational therapy, & sensory integration therapy! So, we take them EVERYWHERE! Please vote for Benji! (and Sammy)
Bryson is a 8 year old loving little boy. He was born 5 weeks early, I call him my miracle baby. He has come so far in his life. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and epilepsy when he was 6 months old. He is in physical and occupational therapy and is making great progress each year. He loves to watch sports of all kinds. He would love the chance to get to go to another Braves game. He won tickets last year and he is still talking about the day we went to the game. Thank you Superior Plumbing, for the opportunities that you give each one of the kids.
Kaiden is a little boy who is full of energy, love and hugs. He enjoys sports of all kind and the beach. Kaiden was born with bi-lateral club feet and at the age of 6 months he was diagnosed with epilepsy and suffered from many seizures and surgeries to correct his clubfeet. Kaiden was diagnosed with Autism this year! He does not let his development and speech delay stop him from going and pushing forward! Kaiden is loved by many and is known within his community for sports and just being a friendly kid!
Camron is diagnosed with speech delay , autism and is developmentally delayed. He enjoys going to church , singing in the choir, playing baseball with the Miracle league,participating in Special Olympics, and spending the night with his Grandma. He loves The Lord with all of his heart , baseball , and Elvis.
Tyler is an 8 year old boy with Down Syndrome. He has 3 brothers that love one another very much. He is playing his first baseball season in Grayson Special Pops League. His team is the Braves. He was his two younger brother's team manager last fall, so he loves baseball and the Braves!
Clayton is an awesome young man, almost 16... He is so exccited to start high school next year!! He loves sports, outdoor activities, dancing and singing, going on new adventures and make new friends. He is one lovable, happy guy!!! Once you meet him, you will NEVER forget him!!!!!
Jared is a 4th grade student at Due West Elementary. Jared is a sweet, caring, fun-loving child. He has played baseball on the Horizon Special Needs League for 6 years. Jared loves people and helping others. He would LOVE the opportunity to come see the Braves play.
Chance was born at 28 weeks with CP.He faces challenges each and every day but it never stops him from enjoying life and his family/ friends that support him. He is a very loving and outgoing young man. Chance loves sports and is a major Braves fan!!!!!
Josue is a child with Autism . He is 16 years old and has two younger sisters. He's a very loving young man as he calls himself. He always appreciates what people do for him. He gets really excited when he gets presents or surprises. He's an excellent big brother and always willing to be there for others.
Jonathan is an amazing, lovable sweet boy. He is 10 years old and has Autism. Although non-verbal, he is not mute by any means. He certainly can get his point across. He has been a participant in the Horizon League out of Acworth since he was 5 years old. Gooo Padres! He loves to throw the ball back and forth and it's always such a pleasure to participate in his game of catch.
John is a 19 year old senior at Hillgrove High School. He loves any and every sport and is the manager of Hillgrove's football and basketball teams. John loves spending time with his family and hanging out with his older brother Isaac. He would love the opportunity to go a braves game with Isaac.
Jackson was born with microcephaly and a visual impairment but that doesn't stop him from doing the things he loves including playing baseball. Jackson eats, sleeps, and breathes baseball and the Braves. He would love the opportunity to chop in the Superior Plumbing Suite!
He is very out-going and loves LEGOs more than anything else. He would like to play with his little sister and brother. He gives big hugs to everyone he meets.
Orion has continued to develop his social skills every year since being diagnosed with Asperbers 7 years ago. Now in 6th grade, he continues to excel academically. After finishing 5 years in Cub Scouts earning the Arrow of Light, he crossing over to Boy Scouts in March. He has set a goal of earning his Eagle. As his parents, we could not be more proud of our son - he is the best blessing in our life and we love him so!
Garrett is 16 years old. He has Angleman's Syndrome. He is happy all the time! Garrett attends his cousin's baseball games and cheers him on! He yells for him to get a homerun! Everyone knows when Garrett is there! He loves being outside and around people.
Archer is now 5 years old. He has a sensory integration disorder and unspecified delays. His smile is infectious. Last year he had this great opportunity. He and his mother had a blast. Archer has talked about the Braves when ever he gets the chance and loves to Chop and Chant.
Tyler was born @ 27 weeks, weighing 2 lbs. He has numerous medical issues related to prematurity, has underwent 38 surgeries since his birth December 2, 2000. He became fascinated with watching the Braves during his long term stays at CHOA/Scottish Rite. Tyler is well know in the hospital & is considered by his doctors as a miracle child. He loves to play in the special needs baseball league, however, has missed playing for the past 3 yrs due to being in the hospital or just coming out.
Corrie is a student at Starr's Mill High School in Fayetteville. She was born with galactosemia, cerebral palsy, and hearing loss. Corrie is an avid sports fan. She is either attending Starr's Mill sporting events or watching the Braves, Falcons, Hawks or Dawgs! By far her number one team is the Braves. Last year she watched or listened to all or part of 166 games. Corrie claims to be the Braves lucky charm because they didn't lose a game last year when she was at Turner Field. One day Corrie hopes to work for the Braves cleaning their cleats!!
Jenna is a 10 year old and attends Blackwell Elementry School in Marietta. For a little girl that can not speak, she speaks volumes through her actions. Jenna caught Braves Fever last year. She loves "The Chop" and loves to cheer her Braves on.
Taylor's Dad has raised her independently since 1 year of age. She was born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and is in a class for students with Intellectual Difficulties. She enjoys school and learning. She has overcome many obstacles in life and now is a senior in high school. She is looking forward to prom and graduation. She attended her first Braves game last year and is looking forward to going again this year.
Brian Murkison is a 3rd grader at Evansdale Elementary in Dekalb County. In 2011 Brian was a seven year old enjoying playing baseball, soccer, scouts, and everything else that 1st grade boys enjoy doing. An auto accident occurred and once his survival was no longer in question, his rehab and recovery started. He has acquired a Traumatic Brain Injury. Brian learned how to walk, talk, and eat again. A highlight in 2012 was when Brian, along with his brother, was able to run the bases at Turner field in the last regular season home game. That was an amazing feat because Brian was wheelchair bound at the beginning of the baseball season. Brian still has some physical disabilities that leave his left hand and arm with little control. He continues therapy weekly, and continues to progress. A special trip to see the Braves would be a great reward for his hard work. Be warned if you sit next to him. He loves to talk and wish you well. This is amazing, considering he was never supposed to talk again! He is a Braves fan, and looks forward to the 2014 season. Hopefully, he can catch a game in the Superior Plumbing box seat.
Jesse is 17 years old and has down syndrome. He has played varsity soccer for 2 years and has been the water boy for the varsity football team for 6 years. His older sister says he is everybody's best friend. His little sister says he is a chick magnet. It seems like everyone in our small town knows Jesse. Jesse loves attending church and singing in the choir.
Chris is a special needs student
Katy Ann is 15 years old. She loves to sing and swim. One of her pastimes is to do what she calls her essays. She takes chapter books and copies the books in print or cursive in notebooks. She will sit for hours do this. She has never met a stranger and loves to talk. She also loves going to the Braves games with her daddy.
Justin is 26 years old and has a moderate intellectual disability. He was also recently diagnosed with being bi-polar. Justin is very outgoing and loves everyone he comes into contact with. He is a stranger to very few people in his hometown. He is also very caring and loves doing things for others. Since finishing high school a few years ago, he now goes to spend time with one of his high school care givers each day. He also enjoys driving his mule around his house on the dirt road and collecting chicken eggs after the chickens lay them. He loves the braves and going to games and his favorite part is eating and when they shoot fireworks!
Elijah is a 9 year old little boy with Autism. He was unable to speak until he was almost 4 years old but now his favorite subject is the Braves! He has learned so much by reading about baseball, talking about his favorite players and adding up runs. He looks forward to opening day with great anticipation. Please help Elijah experience a day at the ballpark enjoying his favorite team. Elijah (pictured in the middle) is a wonderful older brother to his brother and sister.
Kim is my sister. She has a rare metabolical inversion and an amino acid disorder. She is 22 years old and is obsessed with the Atlanta Braves, especially Justin Upton. She gets so excited that she cries when she sees Turner Field, and is the first fan to jump out of their seat when a great play is made. She would be the best Candidate because her love is true and forever. She would appreciate more than any of us will ever know. Please select Kim!!
Jonathan is a soon-to-be 14 year old young man on the Autism Spectrum. He has always been a Braves fan, enjoying watching the games at home with his family, and most especially at the ballpark when we can afford the outing. He is a sweet and helpful young man who always tries his hardest to do his best and fulfill others wishes. He is a pleaser by nature and a joy to parent as well as teach. We would love to give him a very special Braves outing for his 14th Birthday!
Andrew is 13 years old. He was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome when he was 4. Fragile X is a genetic disorder that has a number of symptoms including cognitive delayed development, ADHD and severe anxiety. Andrew plays rec league baseball at the Roswell Rec for several seasons. He absolutely loves baseball and the Braves. He is still very sad that Brian McCann is now a member of his mother's beloved Yankees. Andrew would love a chance to sit in superior plumbing box but first boy he doesn't care where he sits so long as he gets to take the MARTA train and have a cheeseburger at the stadium.
Graham is an 18 year old student at Eaton Academy in Roswell, GA. He is a huge Braves fan and was blessed to participate in the Superior Plumbing Special Needs Student program last year. The Braves games he attended were the highlight of his summer.
Jordan is a junior at Lambert High School and a two time gold medalist in Unified Basketball and Equestrian for Special Olympics. He is currently the king of Forsyth County special olympics and the manager of the Varsity Basketball team at his school. He loves playing drums, basketball, and all sports especially the Braves his favorite team of all time. Jordan works very hard at school and also works part time. He has a very sunny personality and is always the life of the party!
Isaac is a wonderful 21 year old guy who has autism and he would love the blessing of enjoying a Braves game at The Superior Plumbing Club!
Ryan has had to struggle to navigate the typical social world around him. He has Asperger's Syndrome which makes everday a challenge. He has worked hard in his resource classes and just graduated from Mill Creek High school with a 3.25 GPA. He is not sure what the next step in his life will be, but he will work hard and do his best. I think he should get a special treat to go to the Brave's baseball game as a graduation gift!
Shakobia is a 16 year old profoundly deaf teen with an electric personality! After spending nearly 6 years in foster care she was adopted into a very loving family when she was 11. Her smile lights up the room and she has a beautiful and friendly spirit. If you aren't able to communicate with her through American Sign Language, she'll be happy to teach you! Please vote for this beautiful young lady!
McKenna is a cute and spunky 4 year old who hasn't let Down's Syndrome prevent her for enjoying life. McKenna went to her first Braves game as a baby and loves her Atlanta Braves!
Charles is a proud SENIOR at Parkview High School in Lilburn. He is 19 years old with autism, speech and language impairment and seizure disorder. Despite his challenges, he has had the ability to participate and compete in a variety of sports (baseball, swimming, bowling, soccer, volleyball, basketball, and tennis) for a number of years with baseball being the longest, 12 years. Charles is happiest when he is playing or competing in sports. He will quickly stick out his hand and give anyone “hi five”…his way of saying “I am HAPPY!” He is a different person because sports helped shape him into the warm and pleasant young man that he is today.
Cheyenne is a 16 yr old Junior at Veterans High, who has pachygyria (smooth brain). Chey (pronounced shy), is a happy child and stays active as much as possible. She attends Camp Dream( a camp for special needs children) every year, and she plays ball every Spring with the Challenger League. I try to keep her active but until they agree to play ball year around, choices are limited! To be able to have the chance to attend her first ball game would be such a memorable experience!