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Jacob is a very smart,loving little 8 yr. old who never meets a stranger. He has CP and has never been able to walk and he only says a few words. He has been raised by a single parent (his dad, David). God has placed me & my son in Jacobs life and I feel that he deserves to be treated like a KING! His big beautiful smile & brown eyes will melt anyone's heart. He loves baseball,big trucks,motorcycle,and country music singers!! Jacob just had major surgery on his hips & feet on 8/31/16 & is still in the healing process but we stand in FAITH that God will heal him & let him walk one day! Thank you for considering to make Jacob a KING for a while!
The doctors say my grandson would never walk or talk but now he spends half his day in Kindegarden. And if you catch him on a good day he can walk a good distance without his walker. He's favorite phrase is "what you doing". That Lil boy has more friends in Douglas County and people know him by name. There is a high power.
Rachael is a junior at Allatoona High School and was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy around the age of one. In addition to being the biggest Braves fan known to man, she loves animals, especially meerkats, and always has a smile on her face.
Cassie is a 9-year old with Down syndrome, and she is a rock star! She loves to move to the beat and be the center of attention, and her smile lights up a room! If you vote for Cassie, she would love to give you a great big hug! She has never been to a Braves game, as she moved here from Michigan just about a year ago. She wants to be a cheerleader, so I am sure she would cheer the Braves on with all she's got. Vote for Cassie!
Anaya is 6 years old and loves to try new things. She has faced many challenges from birth, including a defective heart that resulted in two surgeries before her first birthday and Downs Syndrome. As a single parent my resources are limited after attending to her medical needs. I would love for her to be able to do some of the amazing things offered by Superior Plumbing.
Joshua is a 17 yr old FANTASTIC young man with Fragile X. He loves to smile and has a warm personality. He is loved by everyone that interacts with him. Joshua enjoys trains, swimming and playing sports and overall being outside in nature! He is always helping his teachers out and loves to keep things clean and in order. He is known as the "gentle Giant" because he is 6 '1 with such a warm spirt that you can't help but want to give him a hug! Joshua would love to be a part of the Superior Plumbing Club as he was awarded the opportunity last year to attend a Braves game and absolutly LOVED it, he smiled all the way there and back home and still has his BRAVES HAT ! Please take the time to consider Joshua as a receipant of your club as he would be ever so thankful.
BradLee is 16 he loves baseball, horseback riding and bowling . He is insulin dependent diabetic with autism , but he doesn't let this stop him. He is a happy fun loving guy. Please vote
Thomas is a young adult who loves all sports. He especially likes high school sports and high school coaches. He also follows college and professional teams both on television as well as attending a sport events such as the Atlanta Braves, Gwinnett Braves, and Atlanta Hawks. Thomas also has a collection of spirit wear from many metro Atlanta high schools, colleges, and professional teams. He enjoys getting programs from the games, following the schedules, and reading about the players and coaches. When not following sports, Thomas works at his job at Walgreens and participates in many recreational activities such as swimming, yoga, and theatre.
Cole is a 16 year old who loves his family, friends and is looking forward to going to high school next school year! Cole loves to sing in church choir and playing with his dogs! Cole has a genetic skin condition Epidermoylsis Bullosa, but he doesn't let that slow him down,nor does he let his disability get in his way.
Jennifer is three years old. She has been diagnosed with Significant Developmental Delay. Although, very shy at first, once she gets comfortable, she'll light up your world with her beautiful smile. She's very sweet and caring, almost like a mother hen around those who may need a hand.
JD is a sweet, 5-year old who is a true joy to be around. JD is unable to walk, talk, or do anything by himself, but he is full of joy. JD truly enjoys seeing his siblings and peers play and will often clap his hands and laugh at the antics of his friends. JD tries to participate in all that he can and has joined the Acworth Horizon league this year for the first time to try his hand at baseball. JD does enjoy watching baseball on TV with his dad. JD has a dual diagnosis of cerebral palsy and PURA gene mutation, and though we do not know what his future holds, we are confident he will continue to bring joy to all those around him!
Lauren is a vibrant 9 year old little girl who attends New Georgia Elementary. She is in the fourth grade this year and is loving school. She has mild mental retardation but you would have never known if I wouldn't have just told you. She is full of energy, spunky, loving, caring, sweet an all around sweetheart. She tries to please everyone and wants everyone to know her name.
Brooklyn celiac disease as well as autistic spectrum disorder, that being said for a 6 year old she doesn't let anyone or anything stop her from being the wonderful kid she is, she keeps a positive attitude and we would like to do more things as a family.
Leslie is 7 years old. She was born with Cystichrogroma which is a massive tumor of her face and throat. Leslie lives in Jasper Ga with her mom, dad and two older brothers. She is a very inspiring young lady whom doesn't let her disability stop her from following her dreams.
James is a 9 year old with ADHD, Autism and Anxiety issues. Hes a smart little boy and has trouble making and keeping friends. He loves pokemon and loves his younger sister
Eliza brings the party with her wherever she goes. No music? No problem! She will sing at the top of her lungs for you. Need a party starter? Just turn on the funky music and she's the first one up. Eliza is an amazing 12 year old young lady with Down Syndrome, Autism, apraxia of speech and a laundry list of other diagnoses. She loves cheerleading, dancing, singing, Spending time with her sisters, Clemson Football, Atlanta Braves and gymnastics. Eliza is never "tardy for the party" and would be very grateful to be Superior Plumbing's social butterfly.
Connor is an active 17 year old young man with a brain disorder called Schizencephaly that causes him to have CP. He is non-verbal, non-ambulatory, has epilepsy, is tube-fed & incontinent. Connor loves music, lights, Bear in the Big Blue House & camping with his family. Connor is in 10th grade and enjoys riding the school bus to & from school! He communicates using sounds, gestures & reaching for what he wants. Connor is a happy boy and is always smiling, squealing and flirting with the girls!
Carmelo was diagnosed with autism and sensory processing disorder at Age 3. He's such an amazing boy he lights up the room he loves to color. I feel like he's my best friend.
Mikey is an 18-year-old senior at Allatoona HS. He has Down syndrome. His story began on a dreary, rainy, Friday night in 1998 when he was born in the back seat of the car, just outside the doors at Kennestone Hospital! Thank goodness for leather seats! lol. He is quiet but has an infectious laughter. He loves Marvel & DC Super Heroes, Power Rangers, TMNT, watching YouTube videos, and playing on his GameCube (yes, he still has this dinosaur! lol) He loves to socialize, dance, and participate in sports, though walking is not a favorite.
Charlie Hart is a homeschooled student, who has Mosaic Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Aphasia and Apraxia, along with other comorbid conditions. He has made great strides in overcoming his many disabilities. Together, he and his mom support the special needs community by advocating for people with special needs, changing legislation in favor of people with special needs (Charlie Hart's Law), and promoting books and other publications (Special Needs Publications) for acceptance, inclusion, and to help others better understand those with disabilities. Superior Plumbing has our vote! Can we have yours? Thank you for your vote!
Brayden is 18 years old and has a rare genetic condition called Jacobsen Syndrome. He is significantly developmentally delayed and has many associated medical issues, but is a very happy and social kid. He loves everyone he meets and loves to interact with other people. He loves music, playing outside and books. Brayden has a younger brother with the same syndrome and two younger sisters.
Corey is our silly buddy who is very compassionate and loving, always thinking of others. He enjoys attending events and being active in Special Olympics, church and Topsoccer. He was born with Pachygyria which causes seizures, mental and global delays and recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. This does not stop him from having fun and laughing and making you laugh. Thank you for voting for him!
Jessie is adopted from Brazil. She came to the US when she was 2. She has autism, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, hearing loss, ADHD, and anxiety disorder. For the past 4 months, she has also been dealing with a psychotic reaction to a medication. None of this has slowed her down. Jessie and her service dog, Mo, are still enjoying life. They go to therapeutic riding and trapeze lessons every week. Jessie enjoys music, singing and helping others.
Mickey was born preemie and spent his few 3weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit or nicu. He has had many health issues related to his prematurity including asthma/reactive airway disease, reflux, Dysautonomia, hyper and hypotonia down the midline, arthritis and also suffers from the effects of mitochondrial disease.
Zachary is 15 years old and has a rare genetic disorder called Jacobsen Syndrome. He also has a dual diagnosis of autism. He is significantly developmentally delayed and has many associated medical issues, but is a generally happy kid. Zachary loves school and riding the bus more than anything. He also loves books, music, and playing outside. Zachary has an older brother who also has Jacobsen Syndrome as well as two younger sisters.
David is a happy young man who loves school, sports and his family. David is a wonderful helper to his teachers and classmates at Canton Elementary. He plays basketball and enjoys watching the Braves. He also enjoys watching football and considers himself a rare Georgia Tech and UGA fan to support his siblings teams. As the youngest of seven children in a single parent home David doesn't get to attend as many sporting events as he would like. Please vote for David! He would love spending quality time with his family while seeing some of his favorite teams up close and personal.
Nolan is a super smart 9 year old boy on the Autism Spectrum. He has a really hard time waiting in lines and coping with some stressful situations. He has a twin brother, Brayden, who has minimally verbal severe autism, which makes outing difficult for both of them. He loves to experience new things and loves The Braves and The Falcons!
He is on the spectrum and sometimes he can struggle but we are super proud of him for not letting it become who he is. He is kind and caring. This club would provide things that as a mom i wish i could do. He has two younger sisters that he loves but sometimes would rather be alone than with them.
Jayven is a 10 year old little boy with Autism. He loves the Braves and loves karate. He is a red belt. He loves spending time with his mommy and with his friends. He is so sweet.
At three weeks of age Gabby tested positive for Group B Strep. The doctors didn't give her family much hope and after being told if Gabby was lucky enough to live she would never walk, talk, see or hear. However God had bigger plans for this little girl. Not only can she do all of the above but she can also ride a horse without assistance. Gabby's love for horses began at the age of three and in fact only after starting hippo thearpy did Gabby begin to walk. Gabby is now fifteen and continues to amaze the doctors and her family because you can't tell Gabby she can't do something because she will show you she can. She is our little miracle , with a whole lot of sassy. Gabby participates in Special Olympics and is a member of the Newton County Special Olympics Equestrian Team, and also plays on the Miracle League .
Iain is a 19 year old with Autism and mental retardation, He attends school at Sequoyah High in Cherokee County
Laiken is a 15 year old student at Dean Rusk. Laiken enjoys playing with his dog and spending time with his family. Laiken enjoys all sports. Laiken loves helping all students at school and being a role model to others in his class.
Jeremy is a 14 year old at Collins Hill High School. Jeremy is an excellent athlete and enjoys playing many different sports. He loves spending time socializing with his friends, dancing, and listening to music.
Brayden is a 9 year old with minimally verbal autism. He's a super sweet boy who loves to giggle. He likes to experience new things and it's fascinating to watch him connecting with his world, as this can be difficult for him. His smile can light up the world.
Cooper is a kindergarten student. He is 5 years old and loves to play golf and watch movies with his family. Cooper has speech and language disorder. He also has Aspergers Syndrome and sensory integration disorder.
9th grader at Wheeler High School in one of the Special Education (Moderately Intellectually Disabled) classes - it is my understanding that his father is in the military and currently deployed. I thought it would be nice for him and his Mother to go to a Braves baseball game together.
Aaron is a twelve year old whom was born at 29 weeks. At the age of two Aaron was diagnosed with spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy. He is a fifth grader at Blakeney Elementary located in Waynesboro Ga. Although he battles asthmatic bronchitis and epilepsy, he loves outdoors and sports. He does not walk and is non-verbal, but his lack of verbal communication doesn't stop his sunshine, can make anybody's day better smile. Aaron eats through a permanent G-tube and just went through his fourth hip surgery. Despite all he goes through Aaron still participates in the Baseball Miracle League and the annual Tri-Athalon. He is like an eagle and weathers his storms
Layke is a 15 year old ladies man and people person! He was born with mitochondrial disease, and has outlived his prognosis 5 times! He is non-verbal and has severe intellectual disabilites, hypotonia, mobility challenges and seizures...but he's an "ace in the hole" with loving others! He is cheerful, kind, tries hard, and loves to be in crowds and with people. He loves music, concerts, construction sites, camping, swimming, going to school, being read to, and going places! He lives with his mom and his brother who has POTS, chronic fatigue syndrome and more. Layke is the guy that puts a grin on your face no matter how blue the day might be; his infectious smile can cheer any heart!
Jackson is a 15 year old student at Kell High school. Jackson has a rare genetic disorder called Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. He loves to spend time with friends and family at home and out on adventures. Jackson loves to be outside and his favorite thing to do is ride rides.
Paxton was recently diagnosed with high functioning autism, severe symptoms. Paxton is full of energy, loves trains, space, numbers, classical music, videos and reading. He loves being a very protective big brother. Paxton is six years old, and in kindergarten.
Cody is a blessing to all she meets. She is full of love and hugs! She likes to play tennis and baseball, do equestrian, swim, dance and sing. She also loves her family and God, too. Cody is full of life and enjoys doing it all, in spite of her limitations. She is simply amazing!
Adam is a 20 year old young man who loves to read, play on the computer, play adaptive baseball, and is an active participant in Special Olympics. Adam loves to go to Braves games, the movies, bowling, anything Disney, and especially loves summer camp!
Ben is 14 yrs old and loves life. He enjoys watching movies, listening to music and roller skating. Though he struggles with autism and epilepsy that add challenges to his day to day life, he will always greet you with a smile and a question about what your favorite food, movie or color might be.
Justin is a very sweet five year old boy who is in special needs preschool. Justin has a very big heart and is sweet to his friends. He is a joy to be around and puts a smile on everyones face!
Julianne and James are twins with autism. Julianne loves music and art. James enjoys science, nature and video games. They have spent countless hours in therapy, tutoring and social skills classes. Because of all their hard work, there is hope for them do great things and realize a bright future!
Ethan is 10. He has Autism, ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder and Anxiety. He has never met a stranger. He knows he is different. He doesn't see disabilities in other people and in his eyes everyone is a friend. Because he looks normal, people expect him to act normal. At times he has anxiety so bad that it's hard to get him to leave the house. He has a big heart and he loves people. He makes friends everywhere he goes.
Demetri is a very determined young man with Autism and Ulcerative Colitis. He fought through his medical issues to graduate High School and is in line to attend Warm Springs School for independent living skills and plans to take a new course offered there for 3D printing. While he has been waiting for his spot to open up, in May, he has been pursuing his interest in acting. He has worked as a background extra in many movies and TV shows, and also writes hus own screen plays and creates character's. His goal is to become a writer/prodecer/director/actor and I have no doubt he will make a place for himself doing what he loves. Thank you for considering him in your vote.
Alek was born very premature & with special needs.Alek is the most amazing 17 year old there is. He has had multiple surgeries and approximately 40 brain surgeries. Through it all he remains positive and the life of the party. Due to his short term memory loss he may forget things often but one thing he always remembers is to have a great time & to be thankful. Alek deserves this because he has not had the typical childhood things have never come easy infact it's always been hard for him. I wish I could give him the world because if anyone deserves it that's him!
In December 2008, when Raynel was 4-year-old, he was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis. He stayed in coma for three months. The doctors sent him to the house with tracheostomy, gastrostomy, shunt valve and without any hope of life. After receiving care in Puerto Rico, the Granells relocated to Atlanta so Raynel could continue treatment and rehabilitation. To regain the strength he lost during his illness, Raynel underwent intensive physical, speech and occupational therapy in the Children’s Inpatient Rehabilitation Program. After a month of rigorous therapy, doctors removed his tracheotomy and feeding tubes, and Raynel became more alert and communicative. As a result of this terrible disease he lost the hearing and has a cochlear implant. Uses a wheelchair to get around and we have to catheterize him every four hours. Actually, he takes every week Acquatherapy, Hippotherapy, Speech therapy, Physical therapy and Ocuppational therapy for his rehabilitation. Raynel is now a happy 10-year-old boy who enjoys spending time with his friend and family—especially playing with his brother Raymond. He loves to play baseball.
Liam is 7 years old and has autism. When he was diagnosed at 2 years old, he had no verbal or social skills. After 5 years of therapy and special education, Liam now speaks but still struggles with annunciation and non-literal concepts. He now has a few "school friends", but mostly prefers to play by himself. Liam recently moved to Georgia from Louisiana and is transitioning pretty well, thanks to the many activities available in the greater Atlanta area. Vehicles, all of them, have been his obsession for quite a while, but he has shown a recent interest in baseball.
NEED BETTER CONTACT INFO - Collin is a friendly 16 year old with moderate intellectual disabilities, developmental delays and Juvenile Diabetes whose first love is video games, but recently developed a love for supporting his Harrison Hoyas in Football and Basketball. This year he has been working with the basketball team and twice a week works in the Student Coffee Cafe. He loves attending sporting events (especially with his dad), loves to travel and anything that allows him to be social with other teenagers.
Kendra is an 8th grader at Awtrey Middle School. She makes everyone laugh on a daily basis! She is kind-hearted, shows amazing empathy, and cares about her friends and the staff. I have never met anyone that enjoys music as much as her! She has no inhibitions and she is a pleasure to be around. She is such a free spirit!
Mitch has never met a stranger. When he meets someone for the first time, he becomes their friend for life. His life started off rough with several surgeries before he was three, which taught him to be a fighter. He is in chorus at Cherokee High and loves singing with a passion we all wish we had.
Matthew is a sweet five year old boy with congenital hydrocephalus.
Jacob is a 6 year old little boy with ADHD and ODD along with sensory issues. He is a happy little fellow most Of the time and loves to play with his big brother and sister. Jacob loves baseball and loves to cheer on his friends and family when they do something great!!
Erin is 10. She has an intellectual disability and a severe speech impairment, but this does not stop her from being one of the happiest kids you have ever met. She loves to be outdoors having fun. She loves baseball games and hockey games.
Jason is a 15 year old student in the self contained class at Mill Creek Middle School. Jason may be mentally handicapped but that has not held him back from all he overcame in his early life. At the age of 7 Jason was adopted out of foster care. He is growing into an amazing young man. He loves all sports and really enjoys watching the Braves with his mom.
Jerry's a 2nd grader whose very imaginative and compassionate. He is learning how to master Dyslexia and hopes to help others as he gets older.
Sequan is a 14 year old child, who attends snellville middle school. Sequan was diagnosis with muscular dsytrophy, Severe scoliosis and charcot-marie tooth neuropathy. Sequan is a very nice young boy who s has a very strong will and determination that one day he'll be able to walk. Hes always wanted to see the Atlanta Braves play live.
George is a 14 year old young man with Autism. He is in the eighth grade at Dean Rusk Middle School and very excited about starting high school in the fall. George is an award winning gymnast with the Cobb County Special Olympics team at Chattooga Gym in Marietta. He also swims every week at Chattahoochee Gold Swimming in Woodstock. George loves all animals, especially penguins and his kitten Zoe. He is a kind friend that is always happy to help out and has a very sweet smile. George enjoys spending time with his friends and his younger brother. George also enjoys playing Candy Crush.Do you know a special needs student who deserves to be treated like a ROCK STAR? Superior Plumbing is proud to announce that we are expanding our Superior Plumbing Kids Club for the 2017 season. Not only will we be able to offer our students tickets to the Atlanta Braves games at SunTrust Park, but we are now able to provide students the opportunity to attend premiere concerts and special events at Philips Arena (including Atlanta Hawks), as well as selected Kennesaw State University athletic games and other local events in and around Atlanta.
Ian is a happy, energetic 11-year-old with 22Q Deletion Syndrome, classic Autism, ADHD, and Severe Speech & Language Impairment. More importantly, Ian has a loving family, amazing big sister, loyal and tolerant dog, and a team of big-hearted professionals whose patience and perseverance surprises me. Ian loves snow, slides, roller coasters, trains. Above all, I think he wishes he could fly. Ian works really hard to communicate and use language. We are all very proud of Ian...he's a happy kid and a hard worker too.
Isaiah is a sweet 5th grade student at Northside Elementary School diagnosed with an emotional behavior disorder. I have taught Isaiah for 4 years. He has grown so much as a person. Isaiah has shown dramatic growth both behaviorally and academically. He loves spending time with his friends and enjoys talking and playing around with his teachers. Once you meet Isaiah, you can't help but like the kid. He is a very pleasant student that I am so glad I got the chance to meet.
Fred is a positive, enthusiastic learner who is a quiet leader in the classroom. He persists despite his academic challenges. Fred wanted to play ice hockey so he learned to ice skate. He plays a defender position on a team!
Audrey is a 12 year old who was born with Down Syndrome. She is an avid sports fan and enjoys both watching and playing. The Atlanta teams are her favorite. She also likes the Georgia Bulldogs. She is on the swim team and like most kids her age she enjoys spending time with her friends.
Cameron is a sweet fun funny friendly 19-year-old with autism. He loves all kinds of sports plays soccer, baseball, tennis, bowling and is going to train for a triathlon. He loves the Braves! He is also a music lover. He loves rock, country, classic rock all types of music.
Mark is a senior at Adairsville High School. He was born with 3/4ths Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum. This causes numerous neurological problems including seizures, autism-PDD, developmental delays, and sensory integration disorder. The original doctor who diagnosed him thought he would never walk or talk. Through prayer, he overcame many obstacles. Today, he loves swimming on AHS, YMCA, and Special Olympics swim teams. He is involved at Adairsville in chorus and several drama productions. He loves sports and the Atlanta Braves!
Dominic is so smart and does not let his autism get him down! He loves people and adventure!
Brielle is a hardworking First grade student at Austell Elementary. She has overcome many hurdles in her life and does not let her disability get in the way. Brielle is the sweetest girl that anyone could ask for and a delight to see on a daily basis. She always has the biggest and brightest smile. Brielle is sure to have a successful future.
Jason is 8 years old and was born with a condition called Ehlers Danlos, which affects the connective tissues in his body. He also is immune deficient and has to be home-schooled. He suffers from Koolen-DeVries syndrome, Crohn's Disease, mitral valve regurgitation, failure to thrive w/feeding tube, chromosome 17 depletions, juvenile arthritis, and had to have his colon & partial rectum removed. Despite these conditions, numerous hospitalizations yearly and the pain he suffers daily, Jason is always smiling, happy and a very loving & caring child. He is our miracle from God!!
Triston is the 6-yr-old brother of Jason Waskey. Triston had a stroke when he was born, which caused partial paralysis of his mouth. He also has a less severe form of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which affects the connective tissues in his body. Triston is a fun-loving, all-American boy! He plays recreational baseball, soccer and basketball. He is absolutely devoted to and very protective of his medically fragile brother Jason.
Julianne and James are twins with autism. Julianne loves music and art. James enjoys science, nature and video games. They have spent countless hours in therapy, tutoring and social skills classes. Because of all their hard work, there is hope for them do great things and realize a bright future!
Catherine is a sweet happy 13 year old girl. When she was four she started having Grand mal seizures. Her first seizure that we witnessed lasted over an hour. She changed from from a very out going child to a timid quiet child. She has always loved our dogs. We were able to get her her own seizure response service dig named Corey when she was 7. Cadhering is living with Epilepsey. She is so brave, it amazes me how she just takes everything in stride. Blood draws lots of doctor appointments and tests. She started playing softball two years ago. She and her dad are enjoying her practices and games and love watching Braves games when ever they can. Catherine gave us a scare in January. Her neurologist thought she had a brain bleed. Luckily the tests were all negative. Catherine even he a spinal tap (awake). Medical bills are pretty high. I think she deserves to see a Braves game this season
Caleb is a 14 year old delightful teenager who has Down Syndrome. He was born with 2 holes in his heart and had lots of respiratory issues when he was born. You would never know that now. He is very involved in Special Olympics, having participated in track, tennis, basketball & soccer. He has been the mascot for the Sequoyah High soccer team for the past 6 years and was the manager for the 7th grade boys basketball team this season. Needless to say he is a busy young man. He also loves music and plays guitar and piano. Caleb has big plans to attend college one day, just like his older brother & sisters. His favorite team is Alabama Crimson Tide.
Luke is 15 and has down syndrome. His hobbies are hunting, baseball and special needs dance class. He is a big Star Wars fan and if he could be an Avenger he would be the Hulk.
Lars is a very Happy little boy who is obsessed with the Atlanta Braves as he calls BRAVESBALL, Has had 15 surgeries so far, and is wheelchair depend. Lars was born extremely premature due to a brain hemorrhage while in utero. Lars wasn't supposed to survive a few hours after birth, not even a day, a week or a month, and here he is 3 years. Weighing a little over a pound, Lars spent 114 in the Neonatal ICU Unit, had 5 brain surgeries, and 10 other more. Lars has Hydrocephalus, a condition that acumulate water in the brain. It doesn't have a cure, but it can be treatable, it is a very dangerous condition. Lars also has Cerebral Palsy, he had a stroke at only 5 months old. He cannot walk unassisted yet, but he is able to rock and roll he wheelchair. Lars is a very sweet little guy, very social and a Braves Fan. He is in Pre-K and attends school at a special needs class. He is learning how to talk, and has a very funny personality. He goes to Physical therapy a couple times a week and is working so hard. This little guys has been through so much for his young age, and never give up. Lars has a bright future ahead, but we live day by day. Vote for Lars to attend the Braves Game as a superstar.
Xavier is very competitive! He enjoys hiking and dinosaurs! He's a very happy, sociable child!
Born at 32 weeks with a stroke, and weighing three pounds, Alex Ham-Kucharski soared beyond his diagnoses of cerebral palsy, autism, and severe to profound hearing loss, to medal in Special Olympics equestrian, track and field, bowling, and swimming. He just graduated high school, with honors, and will be attending Georgia Gwinnett College's Early Childhood in Education Program, so he can help children like him achieve their dreams, just as he has done.
Mary is a 1st grader diagnosed with ASD and ADHD, high anxiety and sensory issues. She is a joy to be around and loves to pretend play and play games on the computer and iPad. Mary is a sweet social little girl that would loves to get out enjoy different activities and keep a full fun schedule. Her mother adopted her and works hard to keep her involved in numerous activities.
Luke is a very sweet little boy. He was diagnosed autistic almost a year ago and has difficulty with attention and hyperactivity as well. He gets very overwhelmed in loud busy places and is unable to understand social situations. He loves minecraft and shopkins. If you can get into his world, you have found an amazing kid.
Jackson is a very awesome kid. He has low-functioning autism and he struggles with many medical issues. Jackson loves being outside and he loves sports with his family. Jackson is 9 years old and has a little sister. He uses a voice output device so he can communicate to the world.
Sean is a wonderful child. He loves school and is a big helper around our house. Laundry, he is on it, load the dishwasher, he on it. Sean teaches us everyday how to be a better person.
Blake was born with tremmors which then lead to autism and seizures... Throughout his whole live he was has a sweet loving smile, very gentle and even more loving around his family
Mickey was born prematurely and spent some time in nicu. Although he has had some bad luck through the years with pain and medication, he always seems to maintain his goofy grin, his zest for life and is very generous with his time! Please vote for Mickey.
Jazzmyn Mariah is a sophomore at EHS and pursuing a pathway in Performing Arts. She has a history of mental health challenges that she works everyday to overcome. She has a love for life and is a free spirit. Mariah is following her big brother's footsteps by getting field experience in the film industry as a background actor.
Clayton Blackwell was born August 27th, 2012 weighing 1lb and 10oz. He spent the first 8 months (254 days) of his life in the Scottish Rite NICU. Clayton had a stroke in utero that covered the entire left side of his brain and some of the right. He required oxygen, feeding tubes, and countless medicines. I was told that Clayton would not live to see his first birthday. Today, we are getting ready to celebrate his 4th birthday. Clayton is on the autism spectrum. He does not require oxygen or feeding tubes. He LOVES music, books and water. He does not speak yet, but that does not stop him from finding new ways to communicate. Clayton enjoys school and strives to learn something new each day.
Jonah is a confident and hilarious little boy that loves music, animals and cars. He is 3 1/3 years old and aims to please! His favorite times are spent on hippo therapy, running around the playground with his classmates, listening to worship at Vintage 242, or mimicking his older sister Lily. Jonah has a single ventricle heart with several heart defects. He was also born with a cleft palate and kidney issues. He has thrived through several surgeries and beat the odds several times. He is a true blessing and loves others!Faith is one of the strongest willed young ladies I know. She does not let her disability impede her from doing anything in the classroom. Faith will ask for assistance when needed, but overall she wants to work and do things on her own. She is kind to her peers and they will assist Faith willingly when needed. She is truly a gem at Barber Middle School, and we are all very lucky to have such a friendly, kind hearted young lady in our school.
Nicole is an almost 14 year old young lady who absolutely LOVES her Atlanta Braves. Nicole was diagnosed shortly before her 1st birthday with Alfi's Syndrome, a partial deletion of a ninth chromosome. Nicole does not let her "disability" slow her down! She loves to dance, sing, fish, and play sports. Nicole has a special place in her heart for animals and helps rehabilitate the injured or scared animals her family takes in to foster until they find their furever home.
Ruby is 4 years old, a bright young girl in pre school. Her cognitive impact requires her to involve speech and play therapy which she excelled so much in past year. She loves to be outside and she likes to go see Braves. She would like to bring her pink bear to watch with her if she wins.
Alannah has currently moved to Georgia in 2015 and started 5th Grade with Miss Leverette at Little River Elementary. She has adjusted well to her new life. She loves school and also doing Special Olympics every season. She is an excellent runner, basketball player and soccer player. She loves her family and her brother is a baseball player. She is such a trouper when we head out to all her brothers tournaments and she is always cheering for him.
Faith is in a word, awesome! She is diagnosed with polyperipheral neuropathy. She struggles daily with her physical abilities; however, she is very independent and takes pride in that independence. I have had the honor of working with Faith since April of 2016. I cannot recall a time when I saw Faith and she did not have a sweet smile on her face and positive attitude. It is truly a delight to be able to spend time with Faith. She works so hard to do well in all of her subjects. She is an avid reader, animal lover and quite a talented artist. She dreams of being an animator and/or involved in pet care. She is a wonderful girl and we are excited about her journey. Faith is one of the strongest willed young ladies I know. She does not let her disability impede her from doing anything in the classroom. Faith will ask for assistance when needed, but overall she wants to work and do things on her own. She is kind to her peers and they will assist Faith willingly when needed. She is truly a gem at Barber Middle School, and we are all very lucky to have such a friendly, kind hearted young lady in our school.
Connor is an imaginative 3rd grader diagnosed with Autism. He came to me in second grade and has made incredible growth academically and behaviorally in the last year and a half. Connor enjoys playing with his friends on the playground, watching movies, and playing Mario. He loves classical music and knows more composers than I have even heard of. It has been my pleasure to teach Connor but even more of a treasure to get to know him.
Grant was diagnosed with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) just over 3 years ago. It's a terminal illness that affects his mental and pysical abilities. Grant has a great personality and loves life. Baseball is one of his favorite sports.
Luke is a very sweet 15 yr old with autism. He loves veggie tales and fish- especially sharks and barracudas. He has an older brother and little sister. He loves to draw and he is a student at Alexsander Academy. He is kind and brave... Especially when he gets his monthly infusions. What a trooper!
Harrison is a 15-year-old boy who has a contagious laugh, enjoys all types of music and loves to be around other people. He is non-verbal, walks only with assistance and is dependent on others for almost all basic life skills. He is all boy with motorcycles and big trucks being an absolute favorite! He struggles with a rare form of epilepsy that has robbed him of his ability to walk independently and was diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic disorder called PURA Syndrome in 2015, but he doesn't let that stop him. He hugs everyone he meets and can make a room light up just with his presence. He trusts and loves with all of his heart and his pure innocence of life brings joy to all who meet him. Due to the fact that his condition is so rare, we don't know what the future holds...but we DO know that we will work hard to provide him with every opportunity that any other child his age would have at having a happy and fulfilled life.
I nominate Jordan who is a 6th grade student that will be promoted to 7th grade. He doesn't allow his learning disability keep him from working hard at his many talents. He plays bell in the band; enjoys reading and helping his class keep the class garden beautiful with seasonal plants.
Lazarick is an amazing student. He is a joy to have around, a gentle man and a great helper. He is loving, kind hearted and out going. He has a welcoming personality and someone you can definitely count on when you need a hand. He is a team player and very athletic. He has lots of potentials but lacks support. I will be so happy if Lazarick is given the opportunity of a life time.
Presley is 15 years old. He is very funny and loves movies and books. He is so friendly and loving. He also enjoys going out to eat and doing fun activities.
Blake was diagnosed with high functioning autism at the age of 3. After years of countless therapies and early age school intervention, he has become more of a normal boy with a great sense of humor and enough love to make your heart explode! He really loves money, cars, airplanes and roller coasters.
Cameron is a smart little boy whose Asperger's does not get him down. He loves to play and read and help cook.
Ethan is an energetic 8th grader from Awtrey Middle School who has MECP2 Syndrome. He requires a lot of exercise, sensory and movement breaks to keep him regulated during his day. He enjoys working out and taking outdoor walks and runs with peers and his family. He loves music!
Andres is an 8th grade at Barber who is full of energy. His positive energy is evident with all who have interactions with him and he has never met a stranger.
Kelsey is a 19 year old student. She enjoys reading, online social media forums, and spending time with her family. Kelsey is currently taking classes online. She has a learning disorder, ADHD, and has speech and language disorder due to a birth defect involving her jaw bone and the malformation of alignment.
Tim has Autism! He is graduating from 5th grade at KSE this Wednesday. We are so proud of him. He went through LSE in a classroom with typical kids & excelled. We are so proud to call Tim & his family our friends! CONGRATS TIM!!!
Kyara is such a happy and outgoing student. She doesn’t let her differences keep her from being the life of the party! Kyara always greets visitors with a warm, welcoming hello and a huge smile! She easily makes friends and is always willing to help with any task—big or small. Even when sick, Kyara is happy and ready to talk with anyone around her. Her smile is bright enough to light any room and lift any mood!
Lucas is a seven-year-old boy who is full of joy, humor and spirit. He has cerebral palsy & he is visually impaired, but he still sees the beauty in life and people. Lucas has an infectious laugh and a kind heart. He loves church, music, his friends, and his family. He has touched many lives with his journey.
Taylor Wentz is a 20 year student at the CCSD Transition Academy at Woodstock High School. Born with Spina Bifida and an intellectual disability, Taylor is a true inspiration to others. He is a wonderful young man with a big heart. Taylor is always willing to lend a helping hand and encourages classmates to succeed. He’s also a big Braves fan! Taylor said, “I love the Braves. Freddy Freeman knows how crush home runs!” Taylor would love to meet the team in person. Taylor said” I’ve never been to a Braves game. Going would be AWESOME!” Please help Taylor make his dream come true and vote for him!
Alan is a senior at Pebblebrook High School who has overcome many challenges including living away from his biological family. He is respectful to his peers willing to give a hug or a helping hand.
Ulysess is a 8th grade student at Campbell Middle School in the Mildly Intellectually Disabled class. He loves to play football and basketball and he wants to play in the NFL one day.
Matthew is 9 years old with autism, ADHD, and sensory processing disorder. He loves to watch baseball and softball and plays on a special needs baseball team. He would treasure the opportunity to go to an Atlanta Braves game. Thank you for this opportunity!
Jack is 6-year old kindergartener at Mountain Park Elementary. He has Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, and is speech delayed. He loves Angry Birds, his baby brother, and he especially loves playing Adaptive Baseball and Basketball! Due to Jack's needs, he has not been able to go experience a game yet at Turner Field. He would love your vote so that he can cheer on the Braves in person!
Emily Rocks! She is a 6 year old girl who has Down Syndrome. She is a cancer survivor (Leukemia), she is entering Kindergarten this year, and she loves CAKE!
Noel is a student with a moderate intellectual disability. He is a very happy student who enjoys coming to school. He loves to please you and will help you in any way that he can. Noel loves sports and enjoys interacting in games and activities. This would be such a great opportunity for him!
Andy is very happy young man who enjoys socializing with others. Andy is very popular among his peers and has enjoyed working in the school coffee shop and taking pictures for the WHS yearbook. Andy loves photography and recently won an award for one of his pictures. He always tries his best and is eager to please others. We think Andy is GREAT!
Katelyn is a feisty 8 year old in 3rd grade. She has a Chiari Malformation, epilepsy, a rare chromosome disorder, hydrocephalus, autism, and ADHD. She had three brain surgeries at 4 years old (Chiari decompression surgery, shunt). She loves sports but is very restricted due to part of her skull missing and her Chiari. She is the middle child of 5 (one of which is also autistic). As such a large family and 2 with special needs, we do not get a chance to go to any events/"fun things" according to her. We would love to make a special memory for her!!!
Freddie is a 9 year old boy who is excited about life. He loves amusement park rides and fast cars and monster trucks and any computer games. Freddie is extremely smart, he was reading at 3 years old, but has social skills issues. He has Asperger's, but has been taught love and affection toward others and expresses that to all he meets.
Ben McCormick will be graduating form Hillgrove High School this May. Ben is an extremely kind, repectful, and helpful student. With the exception of Dress for Success days, Ben usually can be found wearing either a Hillgrove t-shirt or an ATLANTA BRAVES t-shirt. He is a true Braves fan!
Andrew is a 10 year boy who loves life and others. Andrew was born with mild diplegic cerebral palsy and autism. He is the funny bone and glue of our family. Andrew makes everyone laugh and is always looking out for the interests of his siblings! We are so blessed God chose is to be his parents!
This student has faced many challenges throughout his education. Although he faces the pressure of trying to "fit in" or be "normal" from people all around him, he typically keeps up good spirits. He always does his best and just wants to make everyone smile. I wish I could make him smile for a lifetime.
Brice is a young man who has not allowed Autism to limit his ability to learn and grow. He is a fourth grader at Pitner Elementary School. Brice was one of the winners of the 2016 Michael D. Powell Achievement award and exceeds expectations on a daily basis.
Abram is a sweet non verbal train loving boy.He loves to watch and play basketball .
Owen is a 17 year old who is diagnosed with Down syndrome. Due to his disability, Owen functions at a much lower level than his peers. Owen doesn’t let his disability bring him down. Every day, Owen works with his teacher to learn how to communicate with the world at a greater level. Owen loves music and his current favorite song is “What Does the Fox Say?”. Other things Owen loves are Duck Dynasty (he owns everything that has a DD logo on it), sports (GO BRAVES, DAWGS, and ADAIRSVILLE TIGERS!), and dancing (you should watch him cut a rug).
Ian is bright young man who has speech delay. He loves baseball and he enjoys playing a catch with his dad and practice batting at the park. His favorite team is the Braves and his favorite player is Freddie Freeman.
Reed is a 2nd grader at Liberty Elementary. He loves to dance, play, and play games. He also has Downs Syndrome. I was Reed's paraprofessional in Kindergarten and taught him my first year as a special education teacher in 1st grade. There will truly never be another child to grasp my heart the way he has. He loves so deeply and freely. He has an understanding of the importance of relationships beyond his years. He never forgets a name, and always shares a hug or smile when someone needs it. Few people in this world can measure at the caliber of this child.
Quran is a kindergarten student at Austell Elementary. His smile can light up any room he enters. He loves school and always strives to do his very best.
Amber is a sweet, smiley 10 year old little girl who loves babies and animals. She is a true overcomer. In addition to being on the autism spectrum, she has auditory processing issues and memory problems. Amber was adopted out of foster care at the age of 5. Amber loves going places and seeing new things.
Evan was born with autism. He didn't start to say words until he was 6. He has had a lot of struggles. He is still in high school at East Paulding. They have wonderful teachers with experience with special needs. Evan wants to have friends and be able to hang out with. But it hasn't happen yet. He was invited to his first party last year. He loves to go to new places. He tries to fit in so he can have friends. He doesn't go out at night. I try to take him to different places. He would love to experience a Braves game. Thank you
Ben and his family love the Braves. He has Fragile X Syndrome which causes some limitations but he is almost always happy. "This is a great day!" is what he says. Every day.
Sam is a HUGE baseball fan! All of his favorite things are baseball, or sports, related. But, despite having a genetic syndrome which makes him larger than average, it is hard for him to participate in sports because of the symptoms from his syndrome. He will be so happy if he is selected!
Carter is a lively 8 year old. He loves to play baseball on the Horizon League in the spring and fall and is anxiously awaiting his upcoming kickball league. One would never know that 7 years ago we sat in a doctor's office crying our eyes out with doctors telling us our child may never walk, talk or eat on his own. That is just Carter for you! He always amazes us in all he does. He has a mitochondrial disorder, which means his body doesn't produce enough of the right kind of energy. You would never know this as he battles with his lightsaber awaiting his big screen break in Star Wars. Carter will brighten anyone's day with his amazing smile and crazy sense of humor.
Ava Pulley is a ten year girl with a rare genetic disorder called Potocki Lupski Syndrome. She loves life and is one of the happiest kids you'll ever meet.
Nick is a Traumatic Brain Injury survivor. He spent years in foster care before being adopted by the Freeman family in 2011 at the age of 8. He has since learned how to read and write! He has lots of physical and medical obstacles to overcome but he is doing better every day!
Gavin is a 10 year old boy with Down Syndrome and Hyperlexia. He loves school and playing with his friends. He loves going to see the Braves and is excited about the new stadium!
Matthew is 21 yrs old. He has Down Syndrome and Autism.He loves going to school and being with his friends. He loves any activity that he can do with his friends. He participates in dance, Taekwondo, and basketball. He loves to spend his spare time riding roller coasters at Six Flags or playing Mario Sunshine. He also loves to play on youtube watching videos.
Jackson is an adorable 10 year old boy who loves to swim and play outside! He and his mom have lots of fun adventures together! Jackson goes to Baker Elementary in an autism classroom!
Jahlen is a high school Junior Who attends regular classes with his mostly non-disabled peers. Jahlen is very social and can make friends easily. He has to work 10 times as hard to succeed at his academics, due to his disability. Academics is only a small part of his daily challenge. Physically, Jahlen is dependent on the kindness of others, adult or peer, to get his stuff out of his bookbag and set up his workstation, get his lunch tray, take down notes, move about the school campus, or just to use the restroom. He is stuck in his wheelchair. Although he makes friends, he sees other teens forming relationships he could only hope to have. At the end of the day, he goes home to his Guardian, his grandmother. On the bright side, he has a great, outgoing personality. I can see him working with a team of people in the Media Industry. That is his passion. He would love a chance to produce something or work with other producers. His idol is Tyler Perry. If he is chosen for this honor it would be a "Win" for his spirit.
John has autism/ aspergers. Has very little social interaction. Prefers to stay to himself.John has autism/ aspergers. Has very little social interaction. Prefers to stay to himself.
She was born without a thyroid, a hole in valve going to her heart, she has asthma, allergies, autism spectrum disorder
Luke is an amazing kiddo who has changed our lives for the better! He was born with Down syndrome and a heart defect which required open heart surgery at 6 months old! Luke has overcome so much in his short four years and he continues to amaze us!
Zachary was born 3 months premature with Down Syndrome. Zachary had 2 holes in his heart and required open-heart surgery. To date, he has had over 27 surgeries. He has had multiple struggles medically including achalasia, a swallowing motility disorder where he had surgery. We nearly lost Zachary several times and we cannot imagine life without him. Zachary has such a zest for life and touches everyone he meets. He has a great sense of humor and makes us laugh on a daily basis. Zachary never wakes without a smile on his face and doesn't go to bed without a smile on his face. He loves sports, especially the Braves. He loves football and the super bowl! He takes a TKA class with Hearts 4 Others at TKA Kennesaw and is in special Olympics basketball where his team has taken gold two years in a row. He plays baseball through the Horizon League in Acworth. He is a true miracle and all of his family and friends love him dearly. He will finish Transition Academy on May 1st.
Antonio is 17 years old who has a learning disability as well as other medical conditions. He has had 6 operations, including brain and heart surgery. Antonio lives and breathes sports. You can bet that on any given day he is either sporting something with the Georgia Tech, Falcons, Braves or Harrison Hoyas logo. Antonio loves assisting the Hoyas football team and being on the sidelines at all the games. His energy and love of life and people shines through in everything that he does. Please vote for this kind young man.
Lindsay is an 8th grader at Palmer Middle school and has been diagnosed with High Functioning Autism Spectrum or HFAS. She is very shy and has difficulty meeting new people and making friends. In school she often has to contend with bullying due to being different. For her softball and music are what calms her down. She also loves to watch Freddie Freeman of the Atlanta Braves and dreams of meeting him some day. Lindsay is a good kid just often misunderstood.
Ricky is a high school freshman and has just finished his first year of marching band playing percussion in the pit. He simply LOVES sports and is CONSTANTLY checking the scores on multiple games.
David was adopted from Latvia when he was five with undiagnosed profound hearing loss and mild Cerebral Palsy that affects his legs and fine motor skills including speech. He is now 12 and dances with a local special needs dance group and takes a couple of Hip Hop classes where he keeps up pretty well too! He has played baseball on Horizons Field in Acworth with the Cardinals. He loves all things Marvel and D.C. Comics along with Curious George. He wears hearing aides that connect to a blue tooth device so his teacher can speak into a clip on microphone and he can hear most of what she said and knows ASL and lip reading. He is a member of Cedarcrest church and went with the middle school kids to KY last spring on his first mission trip where he was the "clean up master" while others worked on remodeling and reconstruction of a small home. He also takes PT and ST locally.
Ameena Jackson is a student at Wheeler High School in one of the Special Education (Moderately Intellectually Disabled) classrooms. She is a lovely young woman who loves to sing and has a lot of enthusiasm for learning. I believe she and her Mom and/or her older sister would really enjoy going to a Braves Baseball Game together.
Courtnee is a young lady who has cerebral palsy and epilepsy among a few other things. She loves camping, horse therapy and riding her trlke.
Isaac is a sweet 8year old boy who loves baseball! He has been an overcomer since the day he was born.
Addison is a vibrant 7 year old with mitochondrial disease. When she was born, she could not even hold her head up. Her doctors said she may not ever be able to walk or talk. She finally started walking at age 3 1/2 and in the last 6 months she has begun saying her first words. She loves animals (especially dogs), swimming, and playing outside. She has a tendency to shy away from other children since she is not like them, but she is determined to do all the things they do. She is very loving and caring and has a smile on her face no matter how tired she gets. She loves giving hugs and kisses to anyone she meets. Everyday is a challenge for her but you would never know by how much she learns and is able to do.
Fernando is an 8th grader at Awtrey Middle School. He has the most contagious smile and laugh, loves lemon-pepper wings, and will do his best to please you at all times. He is a very social person who enjoys being in the middle of everything! He loves to greet his peers and the staff every morning as he rolls down the hallways of his school.
Mason is such a sweet boy, with a sweet soul. He has overcome so much in his short 7 years, and I wish I could give him the world as any mother does. He was diagnosed with ASD, PTSD, AND ADHD. He has been through so much, and has come so from over the years, excelling academically, and never giving up. He is so loving, and has a huge heart. I think he would truly love getting out and doing fun things, especially things he has never done before.
Timmy was born with a very rare birth defect called Chromosome 2P Deletion Syndrome. He is non-verbal, has conjoined kidneys, is mentally handicapped, and a slew of other abnormalities. He is one of the only known cases in the world. This amazing boy has beat so many odds. The most recent being in November of 2015. Timmy contracted bacterial meningitis. He had to have emergency brain surgery to save his life. He was kept sedated for 7 days and was hospitalized for almost a month; getting discharged the Friday before Christmas. This tough and blessed little guy has never lost his smile. He has a contagious smile. I truly believe God has a huge plan for Timmy. He is truly a special boy!!!