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Priest was diagnosed as non-verbal autistic at the age of 4 years old. He has 2 brother's ages 23 and 7 that are his best friend's. He loves going to school and is in the first grade. Priest is very popular in his class and has lots of friends. He has a wonderful relationship with his teacher Ms. Shirley and Ms. Parris who just love him to pieces and he loves them right back. Some of Priest's favorite foods are BBQ, baked beans, popcorn, and jelly belly jelly beans. He's a very affectionate little boy who loves going on outings. He's been to Monster Jam 2017 & 2018, Motocross 2018, a Braves game, and a Hawks game, and just recently attended his first Atlanta United soccer game that he really enjoyed. Priest's hobbies are collecting school buses, trying new foods, and just recently roller skating. Priest also enjoys traveling as well as going to museums. Just because he is non-verbal autistic doesn't stop him from experiencing new things and living life to the fullest. He may not talk but he has no problems letting his needs be known. Priest is an adorable little boy with a zest for life, full of charm, and sees the world every day with new eyes.
A.D. has autism and a host of many other diagnoses. He dreams of becoming a famous Youtuber one day. He loves creating videos and playing video games!
Joshua is a sweet and funny 4 year old with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is full of energy and likes to stay busy! He has overcome many challenges but he is a happy child who is always smiling.
Caleb is 5, and he is a happy, sweet boy who happens to have autism and epilepsy. He isn’t able to talk yet, but he works hard every day to learn how to communicate.
Thomas and Harrison are 11-year-old twins with Down Syndrome. They bring tremendous joy to Mom and Dad. They work hard in school and are and inspiration to others. They are very friendly little men who love church and dancing and making others laugh.
Thomas and Harrison are 11-year-old twins with Down Syndrome. They bring tremendous joy to Mom and Dad. They work hard in school and are an inspiration to others. They are very friendly little men who love church and dancing and making others laugh.
Jonathan is 8 and loves going to school, swimming, and playing with his friends. He has autism and is a very happy, sweet boy.
Michael has a heart of gold and an athlete's stride. He loves sports of all kinds but basketball is his favorite. He has autism and ADHD which make his behavior quirky at times. He's certainly never met a stranger!
Claire is a sweet and sassy 7-year-old girl who was born with global developmental delays. Despite the many challenges she experiences in her daily life, Claire is full of love and joy. She works hard and loves to learn!
Caleb was born with Down Syndrome. He is currently in 8th grade and is 14 years old. Caleb loves playing on the Miracle League baseball team and this is his eighth year playing ball. He has been on teams in PA and GA. He also loves swimming, going to the theater, and watching WWE.
Carmella was born at 28 weeks weighing only 2 pounds 8 ounces. She was diagnosed with a Grade 4 brain bleed and Hydrocephalus. She currently suffers from cerebral palsy and has stiffness and weakness on the left side of her body. Carmella attends Head Elementary and is in the 3rd-grade Moderate Disability classroom.